Sunday, July 6, 2008

"Pffffftttt" (givin' some raspberries)

The coolest thing in Jacob and Caleb's little worlds right now is giving raspberries. Check out the video below where Caleb couldn't get enough of blowing raspberries on Momma's leg.

What's even funnier is that Jacob has had some pretty bad gas the last couple of days (he'll be so mad in a few years reading this, letting the whole world about his flatulence - hehehe), and so he'll "toot," and then laugh and blow a raspberry. I don't know if the noise coming from his little bottom reminds him about it, or if he thinks he is being a sly boy and covering it up. Either way, it is hysterical!!

Here's another video of both boys "attacking" their Momma. I have already started having to remind the boys the "it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt." Towards the end, Caleb gets a little excited and head butts Jacob. It really was merely a tap, but Jacob was getting sleepy.

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