Because we were having a sonogram, my mom came out to sit with the boys so that Jon could go along.
All was still looking GREAT with both Baby Gabe and Mommy! This pregnancy has been so much more uneventful, thank God!
He was measuring to be 35 weeks, rather than 34 weeks, so either the date is off (which is a possibility since I was breastfeeding when I became pregnant) or he is just a big guy! He is guesstimated to be about 5 1/2 pounds right now.
Although the machine was out of paper to print any still shots, we got all of the sonogram on DVD. For those of you who really like watching sono footage - here ya' go!
As you can see at about one minute in, Gabe is still most definitely, without a doubt, a BOY! (So, the cute blue and sports themed nursery that we finished TODAY will still be applicable. LOL! I'll have to remember to post some nursery pics soon...)
Here's the belly today - at 34 weeks and 4 days along.
To compare to my last pregnancy, here is a shot of me at 34 weeks and 4 days along with Jacob and Caleb. (It was taken on our Anniversary dinner - which is why I am actually dressed and looking moderately good.) Wow - I am about HALF the size that I was with the twins - hehehe, go figure!
The OR has been booked for our scheduled c-section on August 18 at 8:00 am! I would really, really like to try for a VBAC, however Jon and my doctor are pretty adamant that I not take the risks involved, so I am going to suck it up and respect their thoughts here.
I guess that means - if Baby Gabe will hold out that long - we have 34 more days until we get to meet him! Since he is measuring big, however, we'll see...
One more picture for the road...
You're still looking good girl! I can't believe Gabe will be here so soon! I hope you'll feel like coming to my party. Have a great week! Talk to you soon!
You're looking good! I knwo you can't wait to meet him. By the way, was that Amy Nelson in the baby celebration pic? That was such a great shower/celebration idea. You're such a great gal! Just thinking of those 40-something kids who'll get an animal now is great.
My goodness, Gabe's birthday is coming up quickly! You look so great too, you tiny thing. If only I was as cute as you when I was pregnant. Haha. Glad things are going well with mommy and baby, that's got to be a relief after the first time around being somewhat difficult (with the bed rest and all that for so long).
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