Monday, July 28, 2008

Baby Gabe Poll #1

The time is drawing closer...

Three weeks from today, as a matter of fact!

Don't miss the previous post about our Babymoon this past weekend, but also vote in the first (in possibly a series) of Polls!

Baby Gabe Poll #1
With the twins, Amber carried 15 pounds of JUST BABY! How much will Gabe weight?
Less than 7 pounds
Between 7 and 8 pounds
Between 8 and 9 pounds
Greater than 9 pounds
Oh, he'll be all of the 15 pounds or MORE! ;-)

The polls are anonymous, so you lurker (ahem - stalker) types have no fear! ;-) I am so curious to see what all of the readers think!

Oh, and if you have ideas for more polls, let me know.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Poll Ideas:

Who will Gabe look more like?
You, Jon or the boys.

Which boys' temper do you think he'll have?
Caleb or Jacob.

Just some ideas! :D